TIMING AND PURPOSE AFFECTS FORMAT If the candidate funnel is filling at an unsustainably high rate and founders preferably want a “Yes/No” to the two aspects mentioned earlier, an early take-home test would do the job. If the talent market is less kind and a more qualitative understanding of the candidate is preferred, have them perform a test while they are in for interviews. Make sure to then add an element of teamwork to see how the candidate takes feedback, explains tasks and implement improvements. For example: I give the candidate the test and 10 minutes in private. Then I go back in for 10 minutes and go through their thinking (and potential solution) with them. Allow them 5 minutes to improve on the solution. Programmers will not work in a dark room alone. It’s really important to see how they go about solving the problem and how they interact with others. NONO PASSION FOR SPEED TION TTION T There are differences of opinion on speed. Some believe it can get in the way of creative programmers. For me speed is about expectation. At Apperio the tests are logical and not about competency. This is a key distinction which helps uncover problem solving capability and intellectual fire power, rather than whether someone can simply “work fast” or already ALENT AALENT A knows the answer. The tests are then more indicative. Given that founders and senior managers often do not have time for large tests, they rely on observing that candidates can SS solve smaller simpler, common problems very fast. SESSES If you cannot do the simple things quickly you will find solving the complex, larger SMENTSMENT problems very difficult. ASSESSMENT I make sure a minimum of three people interview the candidate. Preferably there should be some overlap between them so that one interviewer can just take notes and observe before they leave. Have a minimum of 2 hours for the interview and include CTO, lead developer and a peer. Keep notes and scores separate. Make sure the same person reviews all the tests and is the one that either works with or observes the candidate during the 10 minute teamwork part. It’s crucial to avoid group thinking, so no conferring. Everyone should reveal their score and decision independently. At Apperio we achieve this by getting everyone that spoke with the candidate in a room and doing a rock/paper/ scissors style reveal of the score after the interview: 1. is “definitely hire” 2. recommend hire 3. recommend no 4. veto After the reveal we discuss. Founders must protect against group thinking. There must be absolutely no conferring of any sort, smiling, winking, rolling eyes. Everyone must be poker faced. 7171