Imagine that you have a large dataset on External sorting algorithm. NONO disk (or in the cloud like S3), and you have TION TTION T limited memory on your servers but you want to sort and manipulate the data. What is the best algorithm/sort to use in this situation? ALENT AALENT A SS Given an array what is the longest This is a classic dynamic programming SESSES contiguous increasing subsequence of problem and tests their knowledge of elements? What is the longest increasing computer science principles. The candidate SMENTSMENT subsequence? needs to find an optimal substructure (which is basically recursive in nature) in the problem so as to apply an iterative solution to the problem. Give them an array with integers (positive, negative, zero) and they are supposed to find the maximum contiguous sum in this array. If the given array is: 5, -6, 7, 12, -3, 0, -11, -6 The answer would be, 19 (from the sub-array {7,12}). If they go on to form all the possible sets and then finding the one with the biggest sum, their algorithm would have a mammoth-like time complexity. They should use dynamic programming and finish quickly. More specific Java, PHP, Linux questions are available at Github and 6565
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