NONO BENEFITS CHALLENGES TION TTION T It takes some time for candidates to adjust Does it limit the number of people you end socially and professionally up hiring? ALENT AALENT A Few hires “hit the ground running” and Yes, but the company is better off you should not expect them to. A trial not hiring a person at all than getting SS period allows you to check candidates’ someone on board that’s not a good fit. SESSES actual cultural fit and their capabilities. It is often very difficult (emotionally and otherwise) to let people go if they SMENTSMENT Candidates will show their true colours are below expectations, but a trial Candidates can show themselves period gives you a process /mechanism from their best sides during tests and for that. interviews, but as they get down to business you will be able to see how Is it viable in a seller’s market? they work with others and how they The best people often like having the deliver. ability to test out the company (as much as you want to test them out). This Protects your equity gives them a way to do that without Though equity is part of most locking themselves in after hearing compensation packages, ensuring that what amounts to the CEO/founder’s even though shares vest from the start sales pitch on why the company is such date any termination before the end of a great place to work. They get a chance the trial period will return the shares to to find out for themselves. the company. What about referred candidates or candidates that have been courted? Same rules apply. Though you should still allow the referring person to be the “evangelist” after the trial period. 110303

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