WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS? R U U e s s Interv R duc er RC er R elia Validity eactionandidaeaction e iewer bility d bias Content te Base questions on a job analysis/spec + + + Ask exact same questions of each candidate + + + Limit prompting, follow-up questioning and + + - - elaboration on questions Use better types of questions + + NONO TION TTION T Use longer interviews or larger number + + + - - questions Control/limit ancillary information + + - - ALENT AALENT A Only allow for questions outside the + - - SS interview SESSES SMENTSMENT Evaluation Rate each answer + + Use detailed anchored rating scales + + + + Take detailed notes + + + - Use multiple interviewers + + + - Use the same interviewer(s) across all + + - condidates Do not sidscuss candidates or answers + + + - between interviews Provide interview training - + + + + Rely on scorecard rather than expert opinion + + + + means positive effect and - means negative effect 4747

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