CREATING A SCORECARD NONO TION TTION T ALENT AALENT A SS SESSES SMENTSMENT - Include everyone that will be involved in the hiring process. - Create general categories with a percentage weight (e.g. cultural fit is weighted 20%). These weightings can vary between departments. - Create subcategories specific to the department. These subcategories are the specific attributes /skills / traits you’ll be looking for. Weight these with a percentage - e.g. 2 core values weighted at 10% each. The weight of the subcategories in a category should total the weight of the category. - Develop a question and an answer guide for each subcategory. Be as detailed as possible in the answer guide. - Calculate a total subcategory score which you measure against a pre-set graded scale. It should clarify who falls in your “No”, “Maybe” and “Yes” buckets. 5050
Talent Assessment for Growth Startups Page 46 Page 48