_ SEED By virtue of the nature of software businesses, the initial stages of operation are typically tech heavy in terms of staffing. At Seed stage, approximately half of the headcount is technical, reflecting that most software founders are technical. The remaining employees are split between Sales & Marketing and other. Tech & R&D 55.1% NONO TION TTION T Other 15.7% Sales & Marketing 29.2% ALENT AALENT A SS SERIES A SESSES As you raise subsequent rounds the main focus shifts from building the product SMENTSMENT and achieving product market fit to scaling ARR. The organisation will go through substantial change during this time. Typically at Series A, software businesses will seek to increase the number of salespeople more rapidly than other functions. As the business approaches product-market-fit, the opportunity for generating revenue starts to take shape and the requirement for people to capitalise on this increases. Operations, finance and support staff numbers typically stay static from Seed to Series A, whereas technical hires increase proportionally. Tech & R&D 46.5% Other 14.2% Sales & Marketing 39.3% 2323
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